Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Smooth takeoff, little turbulence

The one thing about this trip I dreaded was the journey. A 9-hour day (including a 4-hour layoff) would be challenging for many travelers. I wasn’t sure how my 3-year-old would cope.

I braced myself with patience and planned for ways to keep the boy content. I had even borrowed a mini-DVD like player stocked with Elmo videos.

Our flights were uneventful and ran on schedule. Even the turbulence on the first leg of our itinerary added some excitement, some fun.

He behaved well throughout the day, only approaching a potential meltdown near the end of what probably seemed like an interminable wait at the Atlanta airport. He was so attentive to all the airport operations (we had quite a discussion about the airport tower and radar systems) that he didn’t delve into any mischief. He just intently watched everything, from the work crews loading the baggage to the incessant beeping carts driving through the terminals.

It probably also helped that the Atlanta airport had a little jungle gym that helped to kill a half-hour of time.

So it was a smooth trip thus far and he arrived, excited and surprisingly alert (despite that we were at least two hours beyond his normal bedtime)

He has been trying to absorb all the new sights and sounds and his already enamored of his “Kuya” (my cousin’s 7-year-old son) who is also joining this great adventure out West. Heaven is a playmate who comes equipped with a Gameboy, a race car set, and a portable DVD player (and a personal stash of M&Ms and Pringles)

He’d been so good all day that I tried not to panic and calmly edged my boy away from the chocolate. But then again, eh, we’re on vacation, right? J

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