Thursday, June 22, 2006

Leopards and tigers and bears, oh my!

Jet lag finally set in Wednesday, as the boy alternated between attentionn to sleep zone.

We went to the supermarket and found one of those snazzy racecar-carts that made him feel right at home. After lunch, he seemed poised to conk out so we offered to take him home, but he insisted that he wanted to go to the zoo. Of course he fell asleep on the way.

We arrived at Washington Park, this lovely section of Portland with a large reserve of Douglas firs, with a nice collecton of museums and the Zoo. While the boy napped in the car, the rest of my family walked around the Rose Garden. The boy woke up and said he wanted to go to the zoo. I said we had to wait and he burst into tears.

So then we went. The highlight of the Oregon zoo trip was a train ride, on this narrow track. My son duly noted that it was Diesel pulling our train. We rode through the forest, overlooking the luscious caverns and gorges until we got to the Rose Garden. We strolled through the Gardens and then headed back to the train station, this time being pulled by Spencer the sleek silver locomotive. My son was in heaven.

Then we walked through the zoo itself, visiting the giraffes, zebras, bears, hippos, leopards, and the Filipino resident, the Visayan warty pig.

The day itself warmed slowly, so in the morning, we Floridians felt a little cold, but by mid afternoon the sun was strong.

On the way home, he fell asleep again.

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