Tuesday, July 03, 2007


On the morning of our departure, we waited until the last possible minute to wake up the boy. He rolled out of bed, excited that the long awaited day was finally here.
We were going to Utah.

Just a month shy of 5 years of age, my son is already a seasoned traveler. He knows all about rolling bags, check in lines, taking off your shoes at the security checkpoint, and of course, all the amenities available on a plane.
Lucky for me, since it was often the two of us traveling, he usually slept on the plane.

But not this time.

He was too excited about the trip, too eager to see everything, to experience the flight. But he’s easy to entertain, especially when there’s a cool jungle gym playset and a perfect corridor for running during our 2 ½ hour layover.

And when Mommy has a cool video camera for experimentation.

And the cross-country flight featured personalized screens, where we could pay for a $1 animated featured or play in a trivia tournament for several hours.

We finally arrived in utah, to a scene of majestic mountains and a burnt red and brown landscape, with scattered patches of sage green. The boy was thrilled to see the mountains. He asked me if we could climb them. He decided that should be a goal of our trip.

Then he finally petered out, falling asleep on our drive from Salt Lake City to Park City, just as we were driving the highway around the Wasach Mountains.

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